Minggu, 07 Desember 2014

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 120 2014

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 120 2014
Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 120 2014

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 120 2014

English | PDF | 100 Pages | 54 Mb
Download : Mediafire
- See more at: http://blog-senirupa.blogspot.com/2014/11/photoshop-creative-magazine-issue-120.html#sthash.CpPULaqL.dpuf

Practical Photoshop Magazine December 2014

Posted: 01 Dec 2014 05:22 AM PST
Practical Photoshop Magazine December 2014

Practical Photoshop Magazine December 2014

English | PDF | 26 Pages | 19,8 Mb
Download : Mediafire
Pasword : blog-senirupa

Kamis, 20 November 2014

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 128 Nopember 2014

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 128 Nopember 2014

Majalah Lanjutan Photoshop dikemas penuh saran ahli untuk menguasai keterampilan Photoshop profesional. Setiap edisi memiliki mendalam tutorial terinspirasi oleh tren komersial terbaru mencakup semua keterampilan kunci Photoshop, dari lukisan digital dan photomanipulation, ilustrasi grafis dan efek tipografi. Majalah ini juga memiliki wawancara inspirasi dengan beberapa nama terbesar di dunia kreatif, disesuaikan Photoshop Helpdesk, dan fitur mencari lebih terinci pada keterampilan dan jasa industri. Setiap masalah datang dengan download gratis yang berisi file untuk membantu Anda dengan lokakarya bahwa masalah ini, serta sumber informasi gratis, tutorial video dan wallpaper.
Digital painting: Sebuah panduan lengkap untuk sikat

25 Tips pro untuk seni komik
- Profesional termasuk Christian Ward, David Nakayama dan Anthony Ward berbagi rahasia seni pro komik

Desain poster
- Teknik Terbaik untuk reboot desain retro klasik hari ini

identitas merek
- Menguasai seni identitas merek dengan tips atas dan tutorial ahli

retouching arsitektur
- Transform gambar Cityscape Anda dengan teknik-teknik profesional

Juga di dalam ...
- Lukisan matte Fantasy
- Tekstur serat kayu Tangkap
- Desain logo
- Pada: Dell Precision M2800
- Diwawancarai: Tobias Hellstrom, Lightfarm Brasil, Brian Miller

Magazine Detail :

Title :  Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 128 Nopember 2014
Publisher : http://www.advancedphotoshop.co.uk
Bahasa : Inggris
Type File : PDF
Jumlah Halaman : 100 Page
Besar file : 53,2 Mb
Download : Mediafire 

Corel Painter 2015 With Keygen

Corel Painter 2015 With Keygen

Corel Painter 2015 With Keygen Free Download

Corel Painter 2015 adalah sebuah aplikasi seni digital. dengan alat gambar inventif, brush yang realistis, dan fitur yang disesuaikan untuk menjadikan dan meningkatkan karya-karya Anda menjadi lebih kreatif dengan cara baru yang lebih menarik.
ketika Anda menggunakan kuas dengan tekanan sensitif pada Corel Painter, aplikasi ini menjadi ekstensi cairan tangan Anda, sehingga menghasilkan sapuan kuas yang tak tertandingi dalam tekstur dan presisi. Terlebih lagi, fitur seperti kemampuan untuk membuat brush sendiri yang lebih alami dan natural. Anda dapat menyesuaikan bagaimana brush berinteraksi dengan beberapa jenis kanvas. Ada banyak cara untuk mengembangkan ide-ide artistik Anda. Corel Painter membawa Anda jauh melampaui apa yang mungkin dalam lingkungan seni tradisional.

System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 8.1 (64-bit) or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit editions), with latest service packs installed
  • Intel Pentium 4, AMD Athlon 64 or AMD Opteron
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 650 MB hard disk space for application files*
  • Mouse or tablet
  • 1280 x 800 screen resolution
  • DVD drive
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or higher


  • Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8 or 10.9 (with latest revision)
  • Intel Core 2 Duo
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 500 MB hard disk space for application files
  • Mouse or tablet
  • 1280 x 800 screen resolution
  • DVD drive
  • Safari v5 or higher
Download Trial :
Windows : 32bit | 64bit
Mac Os : Click Here
Keygen Only : Click Here

Petunjuk Instalasi :

  1. Silahkan download Aplikasi Corel Painter 2015 sesuai dengan spesifikasi komputer anda dan keygen yang kami sertakan.
  2. Klik 2 kali file exe aplikasi tersebut.
  3. Pilih I have a serial number  seperti pada tampilan gambar dibawah.
- See more at: http://blog-senirupa.blogspot.com/2014/11/corel-painter-2015-with-keygen.html#more

Corel Painter 2015 With Keygen Free Download
4.  Buka file keygen yang anda download tadi, pilih dropdown menu corel painter 2015, kemudian copy serial number yang ada dibawah. Lihat Gambar. - See more at: http://blog-senirupa.blogspot.com/2014/11/corel-painter-2015-with-keygen.html#more

    Corel Painter 2015 With Keygen Free Download
  1. Paste Serial Number yang tadi anda copy kedalam menu instalasi Corel Painter 2015, kemudian pilih next.
  2. Hilangkan Ceklist pada Product Updates, kemudian klik Instal now. lihat gambar
  3. Corel Painter 2015 With Keygen Free Download
  4. Pilih Other Activation Options, Lihat gambar.
  5. Corel Painter 2015 With Keygen Free Download
  6. Pilih Contact Corel, lihat gambar
  7. Corel Painter 2015 With Keygen Free Download
  8. Copy Installation Code, paste masuk kedalam Aplikasi keygen pada kolom yang telah disediakan, kemudian klik Activation. Lihat gambar
  9. Corel Painter 2015 With Keygen Free Download
  10. Copy Serial pada activation code di aplikasi keygen, kemudian paste masuk kedalam aplikasi instalasi Corel painter pada menu yang telah disediakan.
  11. Klik Continue, Enjoy.
Corel Painter 2015 With Keygen Free Download
- See more at: http://blog-senirupa.blogspot.com/2014/11/corel-painter-2015-with-keygen.html#more

Corel Painter 2015 User Guide

Corel Painter 2015 User Guide
Buku tutorial Corel painter 2015

Beberapa hari yang lalu kami telah membagikan kepada anda aplikasi Corel Painter 2015 lengkap dengan keygen beserta cara instalasi dan penggunaannya, dan kali ini kami kembali membagikan kepada anda sebuah buku lengkap yang membahas tentang penggunaan aplikasi tersebut.
Buku tutorial Corel Painter 2015 ini sangat bagus untuk anda miliki dalam belajar aplikasi Corel Painter, utamanyaCorel Painter 2015, dimana dalam buku menjelaskan secara detail hal-hal atau tools apa saja yang terdapat pada aplikasi tersebut dengan total halaman 968 lembar dengan ratusan content. untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan anda download buku tersebut dibawah.

Detail buku :

Title : Corel Painter 2015 User Guide
Publisher : Corel.com
Bahasa : Inggris
Type file : PDF
Jumlah halaman : 968 Page
Besar file : 10,8 Mb
Download : Mediafire

OnOne Perfect Effects Premium Edition v4.0.1 x86.x64 with Keygen

OnOne Perfect Effects Premium Edition v4.0.1 x86.x64 with Keygen

Perfect Effects Premium Edition v4.0.1 x86.x64 with Keygen
Perfect Effects Premium Edition v4.0.1 x86.x64 with Keygen adalah plugins photoshop dan bisa berdiri sendiri yang di buat di atas kekuatan PhotoTools untuk memberikan kepada anda cara yang lebih mudah, lebih cepat dan lebih menginspirasi untuk menciptakan gambar dengan effect yang bagus, memiliki banyak koleksi pilihan untuk berbagai efek fotografi anda, Anda bisa mendapatkan instan klik hasil yang akan anda sukai dan kemampuan untuk menggabungkan, stack dan memadukan mereka untuk pilihan kreatif yang tak ada habisnya.
Dapatkan cara mudah, cepat dan kuat untuk membuat gambar dengan efek yang sempurna dari Perfect Effects 4. Pilih dari library yang kuat efek fotografi untuk menambah penampilan profesional untuk foto Anda, termasuk HDR populer dan terlihat retro. Anda juga dapat menciptakan tampilan film dan teknik kamar gelap, menambahkan cahaya, sketsa, perbatasan, dan masalah fotografi umum yang ada.


  • Peningkatan! library Efek. Meningkatkan dan menyesuaikan dgn mode gambar dengan perpustakaan yang kuat dari efek profesional termasuk dalam Perfect Effects 4. Dengan sedikitnya satu klik, Anda dapat menambahkan HDR populer atau vintage yang terlihat pada gambar Anda, menciptakan tampilan film dan teknik kamar gelap, dan banyak lagi. Anda juga dapat menambah kedalaman dan dimensi dengan efek tekstur, sorot dengan cahaya, mensimulasikan filter setelah ditembak, dan meningkatkan detail dan warna. Kombinasikan, stack dan berbaur efek pilihan Anda untuk membuat tampilan unik Anda sendiri.
  • Baru! Browser & Kata Kunci Pencarian. Cepat menemukan efek yang ingin Anda gunakan dengan browser diperbarui dan fungsi pencarian baru. Gunakan pandangan kolom diupgrade untuk segera melihat bagaimana efeknya akan terlihat pada gambar Anda sehingga Anda yakin dapat membuat tampilan yang Anda inginkan.
  • Baru! Favorit. Hemat waktu dengan editing gambar Anda dengan menjaga efek favorit Anda, preset dan ekstra selalu dekat. Masukan gaya paling sering Anda gunakan dalam folder Favorit Anda, termasuk yang telah Anda buat pribadi.
  • Baru Cat-in Efek Brushes. Anda meminta mereka dan sekarang Anda akan menemukan Dasar brushes di Perfect Effects 4. Dengan sapuan kuas yang sederhana, Anda bisa melukis-in efek pada daerah tertentu dari gambar Anda. Memecahkan beberapa masalah fotografi digital yang paling umum Anda dengan sikat set berguna. Membuat daerah gelap, terang atau lebih hangat. Tambah rincian, cahaya atau lebih warna. Anda juga dapat mengungkapkan highlight dan memulihkan bayangan.
  • Masking Tools. Selektif menerapkan salah satu efek dari Efek Perpustakaan untuk bagian-bagian tertentu dari foto Anda dengan kontrol masking kuat di Perfect Effects 4. Gunakan Brush Masking untuk menerapkan atau menghapus efek ke daerah-daerah tertentu dan Bug Masking untuk segera membuat sketsa dan lulus terlihat penyaring .
  • Baru! Brush sempurna. Mencapai tepat masking tepi-terdeteksi dengan sempurna BARU Brush. Ini lancar akan berlaku atau menghapus penyesuaian ke daerah tertentu yang sedang Anda kerjakan tanpa "di luar garis." Aktifkan Brush Sempurna bila menggunakan cat-in Effect Basic Brushes atau Brush Masking.
  • Improved! Mode Blending. Blend efek untuk membuat tampak luar biasa dan sangat bergaya di Perfect Effects 4. Dengan mengubah Blending Mode, Anda dapat mengontrol kecerahan, kontras dan warna gambar secara dramatis mengubah penampilan. Dan, dengan menyesuaikan opacity, Anda dapat mengontrol kekuatan efeknya. Efek Sempurna 4 sekarang termasuk lebih dari selusin mode yang lebih blending termasuk Linear Burn, Color Dodge, Pin Light, Luminosity dan banyak lagi.
  • Baru! Borders dari PhotoFrame. Mulus menambahkan bahwa sentuhan akhir yang sempurna untuk gambar Anda dengan koleksi perbatasan dipilih sendiri dari PhotoFrame. Menemukan berbagai kreatif elemen desain ini dalam Efek Anda Library. Stack atau campuran apapun frame ini untuk gambar Anda untuk membuat tampilan yang Anda inginkan.
  • Campurkan Gambar untuk Options Kreatif tanpa ujung. Dalam modul Layers rumah, Anda akan menemukan alat yang dirancang khusus untuk fotografer untuk menggabungkan bagian terbaik dari beberapa foto dan cepat retouch gambar Anda. Anda akan dengan mudah dapat bertukar wajah atau membuat eksposur yang seimbang. Anda juga dapat berbaur gambar untuk efek kreatif, membuat layout, membuat komposit, dan banyak lagi. Nikmati semua manfaat dan daya kreatif dari alur kerja berlapis, bahkan tanpa Adobe Photoshop. Pilihan kreatif Anda tidak terbatas.
  • Bekerja Dimana Anda Do. Efek Sempurna 4 diintegrasikan ke dalam alur kerja Anda, tidak peduli apa alat dan perangkat lunak yang Anda gunakan. Ia bekerja sebagai plug-in untuk Photoshop dan Photoshop Elements atau dengan Lightroom. Anda juga dapat menggunakan Perfect Effects 4 sebagai aplikasi mandiri dengan sendirinya.
- See more at: http://blog-senirupa.blogspot.com/2014/11/perfect-effects-premium-edition-v401.html#more
Perfect Effects Premium Edition v4.0.1 x86.x64 with Keygen

Operating System: Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.
Download Perfect Effects Premium Edition v4.0.1 x86.x64 with Keygen
Mediafire  284 Mb:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 
Pasword : blog-senirupa

Tutorial Penggunaan Keygen :
  • Dalam file download kami menyertakan file crack dan keygen.
  • Install Aplikasi Perfect Effects Premium Edition v4.0.1 mode trial version
  • Copy file crack sesuai bit komputer anda yang terdiri dari 3 file, file dll dan file exe.
  • Paste pada folder dimana anda menginstall aplikasi Perfect Effects Premium Edition v4.0.1
  • Perfect Effects Premium Edition v4.0.1 sudah full version.
  • Jika diperlukan kami juga menyertakan file keygen untuk mendapatkan serial number.
  • salam
- See more at: http://blog-senirupa.blogspot.com/2014/11/perfect-effects-premium-edition-v401.html#more

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 120 2014

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 120 2014
Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 120 2014

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 120 2014

English | PDF | 100 Pages | 54 Mb
Download : Mediafire

Kamis, 06 November 2014

Photoshop Creative Collection No.11 2014

Photoshop Creative Collection No.11 2014

Photoshop Creative Collection No.11 2014

Photoshop Creative Collection No.11 2014 disusun dengan hati-hati untuk memberikan saran dan tips tentang segala sesuatu yang Anda ingin lakukan di Photoshop Creative Cloud, Photoshop Creative Suite dan Photoshop Elements, Photoshop Creative Collection membahas meliputi editing foto, efek foto, seni digital dan photomanipulation, sebelum menampilkan berbagai proyek kreatif bagi Anda untuk berlatih.

Content :

Master the tools of Photoshop

Photo editing

Learn to make basic edits and retouches to improve your images.
  • Make essential edits
  • Boost colour in photos
  • Sharpen your shots
  • Apply camera RAW editing
  • Dodge and Burn portraits
  • Understand Gradients
  • Remove unwanted objects

Photo effects

  • Make dramatic photo effects
  • Turn up drama with adjustments
  • Re-create a double exposure
  • Create a macro effect
  • Use creative text effects
  • Master the tilt-shift effect
  • Re-create the Orton effect

Digital art

Get creative with Photoshop’s fantastic painting tools.
  • Turn photos into paintings
  • Create painterly portraits
  • Use brushes for grunge artwork
  • Paint a surreal fantasy scene
  • Create stunning watercolours
  • Turn photos to sketches
  • Illustrate with the Pen tool


Push your photos further with these incredible effects.
  • Create cool water effects
  • Create fantasy compositions
  • Master layer masks
  • Use layer styles for glowing art
  • Conquer layers and masks
  • Learn to stack filters
  • Get creative with colour gradients

Creative projects

Turn your shots into something worth sharing.
  • Create a film reel photo album
  • Make a mosaic montage
  • Create a vintage collage
  • Create space-scene wallpapers
  • Design an abstract emblem
  • Blend for incredible composites
  • Use Blend modes and brushes
  • Design your own poster

Magazine Detail :

Title : Photoshop Creative Collection No.11 2014
Bahasa : Inggris
Type File : PDF
Besar File : 115,8 Mb
Jumlah Halaman : 196 Page
Download : Google Drive
Pasword : blog-senirupa

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 118 2014

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 118 2014

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 118 2014

If you want to understand how Photoshop works and how to use it to create amazing images, you need Photoshop Creative. Each issue has 116 pages full of practical advice and inspiring tutorials to enable you to make the images you've always wanted. Want to improve your photos? Each issue has loads of image-editing tutorials that range from simple fixes through to more intense techniques. Want to flex your creativity? You'll find loads of ideas for how to transform your photos into something marvellous, whether it's a scrapbook, a photomontage or a piece of digital art. Now add in some tool guides, Photoshop Elements tutorials, interviews with amazing Photoshop artists, Q&A pages, product reviews and a disc full of video training and other resources, and you can see why Photoshop Creative is the only resource you will ever need.

Layers: Best-ever tricks & tips

Incredible ways to retouch
- Discover selections and tools for better images.

Paint stunning nature scenes
- The secrets behind painting with colour.

Blur effects
- Transform a portrait using new filters.

Compose a spacescape
- Explore out-of-this-world panoramic compositions.

Also inside...
- Learn to use Layers
- Explosive portrait effects
- Easy 3D type effects
- Compose better black and whites
- Paint an oil landscape
- Create a fantasy home
- Design an Oriental poster
- The Eraser tools explored
- Basics of pixel art
- Depth of field
- Tune-up holiday snaps
- Classic colour effects
- Reviews: Power Mask, Knoll Light Factory, Olympus PEN E-PL5
- Your Photoshop queries answered
- Interview with artist Lisa Davies 

Magazine Detail :

Title : Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 118 2014
Publisher : http://photoshopcreative.co.uk
Bahasa : Inggris
Type File : PDF
Jumlah halaman :  100 Page
Besar file : 61,06 Mb
Download : Mediafire
Tutorial file : Click Here

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 120 March 2014

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 120 March 2014

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 120 March 2014

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 120 March 2014

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 120 March 2014

English | PDF | 51 Pages | 52 Mb
Download : Mediafire
Tutorial File : Click Here

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 128 Nopember 2014

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 128 Nopember 2014

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 128 Nopember 2014

Advanced Photoshop magazine is packed full of expert advice for mastering professional Photoshop skills. Each edition has in-depth tutorials inspired by the latest commercial trends covering all the key Photoshop skills, from digital painting and photomanipulation, to graphical illustration and typographical effects. The magazine also has inspirational interviews with some of the biggest names in the creative world, a tailored Photoshop Helpdesk, and features looking in more detail at industry skills and services. Every issue comes with a free Download which contains files to aid you with that issue’s workshops, as well as free resources, video tutorials and wallpapers.

Digital painting: A complete guide to brushes

25 pro tips for comic art
- Professionals including Christian Ward, David Nakayama and Anthony Ward share the secrets of pro comic art

Design a poster
- Top techniques for rebooting retro design classics today

Brand identity
- Master the art of brand identity with top tips and an expert tutorial

Architectural retouching
- Transform your cityscape shots with these professional techniques

Also inside...
- Fantasy matte painting
- Capture wood grain textures
- Design a logo
- Reviewed: Dell Precision M2800
- Interviewed: Tobias Hellstrom, Lightfarm Brazil, Brian Miller

Magazine Detail :

Title :  Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 128 Nopember 2014
Publisher : http://www.advancedphotoshop.co.uk
Bahasa : Inggris
Type File : PDF
Jumlah Halaman : 100 Page
Besar file : 53,2 Mb
Download : Mediafire 

Selasa, 04 November 2014

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 127 October 2014

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 127 October 2014

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 127 October 2014

Advanced Photoshop magazine is packed full of expert advice for mastering professional Photoshop skills. Each edition has in-depth tutorials inspired by the latest commercial trends covering all the key Photoshop skills, from digital painting and photomanipulation, to graphical illustration and typographical effects. The magazine also has inspirational interviews with some of the biggest names in the creative world, a tailored Photoshop Helpdesk, and features looking in more detail at industry skills and services. Every issue comes with a free Download which contains files to aid you with that issue’s workshops, as well as free resources, video tutorials and wallpapers.

Create classic type

20 tips for better infographics
- Design beautiful and functional graphics with this expert advice

Low-poly portraits
- Pro techniques for combining Illustrator and Photoshop

How to composite sci-fi cityscapes
- Combine photos to produce a sci-fi vista

Tales from the dark side
- Pro lighting tips from David Padilla

Also inside...
- Master game art
- Make your own rust textures
- Traditional paint effects in Photoshop
- Reviewed: Corel Painter 2015, LG UltraWide 21:9
- Interviewed: David Padilla, Derek Stenning, The Team

Magazine Detail :

Title :  Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 127 October 2014
Publisher : http://www.advancedphotoshop.co.uk
Bahasa : Inggris
Type File : PDF
Jumlah Halaman : 100 Page
Besar file : 47 Mb
Download : Mediafire
Tutorial File : Click Here 

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 119 2014

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 119 2014

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 119 2014

If you want to understand how Photoshop works and how to use it to create amazing images, you need Photoshop Creative. Each issue has 100 pages full of practical advice and inspiring tutorials to enable you to make the images you've always wanted. Want to improve your photos? Each issue has loads of image-editing tutorials that range from simple fixes through to more intense techniques. Want to flex your creativity? You'll find loads of ideas for how to transform your photos into something marvellous, whether it's a scrapbook, a photomontage or a piece of digital art. Now add in some tool guides, Photoshop Elements tutorials, interviews with amazing Photoshop artists, Q&A pages, product reviews and a free download of video training and other resources, and you can see why Photoshop Creative is the only resource you will ever need.

16 ways to master filters

Transform portraits with blend modes
- Practise using the Difference mode for creative effects

Learn how to edit out of bounds
- Make objects jump out of the page with layers

Paint a mixed-media portrait
- Create a painted masterpiece with brushes

Compose a fantasy landscape
- Use landscape images to create new worlds

Also inside...
- Learn to use filters
- Control fire with layers
- Edit fast with actions
- Create scenes using masks
- Get imaginative with clipping masks
- Nature text effects
- The Crop tool explained
- Create eye-catching posters
- Enhance your images in Elements
- Improve night-time shots
- Change seasons with Gradients
- Reviews: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX400V, Topaz Detail 3, DxO ViewPoint 2
- Your Photoshop queries answered
- Interview with Owen Iles

Magazine Detail :

Title : Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 119 2014
Publisher : http://photoshopcreative.co.uk
Bahasa : Inggris
Type File : PDF
Jumlah halaman :  100 Page
Besar file : 61,06 Mb
Download : Mediafire

Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 118 2014

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 118 2014

Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 118 2014

If you want to understand how Photoshop works and how to use it to create amazing images, you need Photoshop Creative. Each issue has 116 pages full of practical advice and inspiring tutorials to enable you to make the images you've always wanted. Want to improve your photos? Each issue has loads of image-editing tutorials that range from simple fixes through to more intense techniques. Want to flex your creativity? You'll find loads of ideas for how to transform your photos into something marvellous, whether it's a scrapbook, a photomontage or a piece of digital art. Now add in some tool guides, Photoshop Elements tutorials, interviews with amazing Photoshop artists, Q&A pages, product reviews and a disc full of video training and other resources, and you can see why Photoshop Creative is the only resource you will ever need.

Layers: Best-ever tricks & tips

Incredible ways to retouch
- Discover selections and tools for better images.

Paint stunning nature scenes
- The secrets behind painting with colour.

Blur effects
- Transform a portrait using new filters.

Compose a spacescape
- Explore out-of-this-world panoramic compositions.

Also inside...
- Learn to use Layers
- Explosive portrait effects
- Easy 3D type effects
- Compose better black and whites
- Paint an oil landscape
- Create a fantasy home
- Design an Oriental poster
- The Eraser tools explored
- Basics of pixel art
- Depth of field
- Tune-up holiday snaps
- Classic colour effects
- Reviews: Power Mask, Knoll Light Factory, Olympus PEN E-PL5
- Your Photoshop queries answered
- Interview with artist Lisa Davies 

Magazine Detail :

Title : Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 118 2014
Publisher : http://photoshopcreative.co.uk
Bahasa : Inggris
Type File : PDF
Jumlah halaman :  100 Page
Besar file : 61,06 Mb
Download : Mediafire
Tutorial file : Click Here

Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

Imagine FX Magazine Issue 114 November 2014

Imagine FX Magazine Issue 114 November 2014

Imagine FX Magazine Issue 114 November 2014

How to Draw and Paint

Pelajari dasar-dasar Photoshop dengan tips dari Tony Foti dengan fitur yang luar biasa, lalu jelajahi aturan komposisi - dan bagaimana untuk istirahat dengan James Gurney.

Lokakarya penutup charlie Bowater akan mengajarkan Anda bagaimana untuk membuat kulit yang begitu realistis, Don Seegmiller dan Te Hu menyajikan cara yang sangat berbeda untuk melukis menggunakan Corel Painter, dan lokakarya kreasi profesional rinci dari Nikolai Lockertsen.

Pada kanvas tradisional, Eric Velhagen berpikir lateral sementara lukisan naga, dan Chris Legaspi menjelaskan konsep menggunakan nilai komposisi untuk mengatur suasana hati. Ini masalah lain yang dikemas, dan satu yang tidak boleh dilewatkan!

Imagine FX Magazine Issue 114 November 2014 content

Magazine Detail :

Title :  Imagine FX Magazine Issue 114 November 2014
Publisher : ImagineFX.com
Bahasa : Inggris
Type File : PDF
Jumlah Halaman : 100 Pages
Besar File : 49,8 Mb
Download : Mediafire
Tutorial file : Click Here

Senin, 29 September 2014

After Effect Tuts Plus Tutorial Vol.4 Free Download

After Effect Tuts Plus Tutorial Vol.4 Free Download

AE.TUTSPLUS.COM - Video Tutorials for Adobe After Effects (Volume 4)
English | QuickTime (MOV) | 9.5 Hours | 4.41 Gb
Video: 1280x800, 30 frame/s | Audio: mp4a: 44100Hz 128 kb/s tot , stereo (2/0)

Aetuts+ is a site made to house and showcase some of the best After Effects tutorials around. We publish tutorials that not only produce great effects, but explain them in a friendly, approachable manner. We also stock up links to tutorials, articles, presets and plugins from around the web to help you get the most out of After Effects.

68. Create Procedurally Animated Rhythmic Dancing Marbles
By now you should expect nothing less than amazing procedural animations from Satya and this tutorial is no exception. Inspired by this piece by Eamae Mirkin which was originally created using the processing programming language, Satya explains the required math background and shows you how to replicate this beautiful animation in After Effects.

69. Create a Leaf Growing Network TV ID
Network TV ID's are usually a 5 or 10 second piece that pleasantly announces the channel's logo. In this tutorial you will learn how to create this real-world, network ID-style scene for your logo or type treatment using After Effects, Trapcode Particular, and stock images.

70. Create a Paper Tearing Logo Reveal
Using some clever photoshop and green screen techniques you will learn how to create this logo reveal inspired by the movie "The Orphanage".

71. Create Fairly Realistic Fire using CC Particle World
Using the built-in plugin CC Particle World and a few tricks, learn how to create this fairly realistic looking fire shot.

72. Animate a Dancing Ice Cream Bar in Cinema 4D and After Effects
Aetuts+ sister site devoted to 3D graphics, Cgtuts+, has just published a wonderful tutorial on animating some cute dancing ice cream bars in Cinema 4D and After Effects. The result is very, very cool - and so are the techniques used.If you're a C4D user (or would like to be) and want to learn more about pairing the program with After Effects, this tutorial would be a great starting point. Hit the jump to preview the tutorial, or go there now!

73. Create a Flare and Light Streak Text Reveal
Made popular in recent commercials, using light streaks to reveal text and logos is a great way to bring an extra punch to your productions.

74. Create the “My Paper Mind” Effect
This tutorial will teach you how to recreate the "My Paper Mind" effect done by Javan Ivey, but with the environment in mind, Nicolas has come up with a way to save some paper (as well as about 3 days worth of paper cuts!) It is all done in After Effects without any third party plug-ins. Enjoy!

75. Creating a Tracked Head Wound
In this tutorial Mathias shows that corner pin tracking can do much more than just replacing some pictures on a wall. We are going to compose a wound on a moving head and use the Mocha tracker in combination with his script MochaImport. Trust me, this is so much easier then creating a real head wound!

76. Create a Palmticular Tree
Vincent introduces a few of the new features in Particular 2 with the creation of a growing palm tree. Put on some sun screen and enjoy!

77. Create the JibJab Effect
Learn how to turn yourself into a cartoony looking animation. If you have a client that wants something funny or if you're just bored and need something to do with your friends, this is a simple tutorial that will generate some extremely entertaining results!

78. Create a Peaceful Sunset
In this tutorial James will show some practical techniques in creating a lovely sunset scene. He will cover extracting a tree image from the sky background within Photoshop and animating a realistic sunset.

79. Mac OSX Wallpaper Creation – With Invigorator Pro - Day 1
In this tutorial Saqib recreates the Mac OSX Wallpaper. He will start off Day 1 setting up the background to create the simulated aurora feel. Then be ready for Day 2 as we jump into Invigorator to create our 3d logos.

80. Mac OSX Wallpaper Creation – With Invigorator Pro - Day 2
In this second part of his tutorial, Saqib recreates the Mac OSX Wallpaper. He will show us some of the basics of Zaxwerks Invigorator.

81. Create Mac OSX Intro Video with C4D – Day 1
As the penultimate nugget of goodness in our Mac Lover's Week, Satya created a 2 day tutorial that everybody will enjoy! In day 1, he will walk us through Cinema 4D and how to create the 3d text in this effect.

82. Create Mac OSX Intro Video with C4D – Day 2
In day 2 of this tutorial, we will finish up in Cinema 4D, then head over into After Effects and see how to put all the pieces together.

83. Create Harry Potter Titles
You don't have to be a graduate of Hogwarts to create cool titles! In this tutorial you will learn the simplicity of creating an amazing looking Harry Potter "The Half-Blood Prince" introduction, using only four photographs and the power of After Effects. So quit your Quidditch and have a seat. It's gonna be magical!

84. How to Create a Glitchy Interface Animation
This tutorial will teach you how to recreate a stylized Glitch Interface Animation that resembles a high tech control system, with an analog monitor startup. Anthony Errisuriz provides his step by step process for creating this amazing effect with design from Illustrator and animating in After Effects.

85. Learn to Make a Custom 3D Wall Text Reveal
Using basic AE tools and some expressions you will learn how to create this 3D wall made of custom shapes and a nice laser beam to reveal your text.

86. Integrating C4D into AE
The more you get into After Effects, the more you realize how cool it is to bring in stuff from outside the program. This tutorial shows how take a scene from Cinema 4D and bring it over into AE. After effects is a compositing program and this is a perfect example of how to take a basic animation and add some "after effects"!

87. Animate Your Logo Into Characters
In this tutorial, we will learn some of the cool new features introduced in Trapcode Particular v2.0. Inspiration for this tutorial is from the logo reveal of the Digital Domain Animation Company. It may not be as good as that (since it had been done completely using a 3d software), but I thought to give it a try in After Effects.

88. Put Together a Realistic District 9 Composite
Adding outside elements into a scene can be a tedious endeavor. Today we'll be shown a few different compositing tips as we superimpose the space ship from District 9 into our shot.

89. How to Make Paper People
Stop-motion animation using paper cut-outs can take quite a bit of time to produce... unless you use The Paper People effect! This technique gives you similar results in a fraction of the time. With the use of a current version of AE, you'll use the wiggle expression, hold keyframes, and the puppet tool to emulate the classic look of a beloved form of traditional animation.

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